Salon Studio Suites Truth About Money

Will I Make More Money at an Atlanta Salon Studio Suite?

Salon Studio Suites Truth About Money

The big question is “Will I really make more money” transitioning to a salon studio suite? The truth is, you can make as much or as little as you want depending on your goals. I will tell you that you need to have an established clientele or 1 year of working capital before deciding to open your own salon. This advice applies to a storefront, booth renting, or suite owner. Suite managers are not required to market for you. As a salon owner you need to be prepared to take care of all of your marketing, product, and financial needs.

Now that we got that out of the way… let’s get back to making more money. On average when you move out of a commission-based salon to open your suite you can expect that out of 100 clients, 60% or 60 will follow you. That is a great number but you have to remember that you are now taking on more responsibilities like purchasing your own products/supplies, paying taxes and of course suite rental. So, 60 clients may not be enough for you to really see a dent in your “income”. My suggestion would be to get back to 100 clients on your own as quickly as possible. Once you do that your income will increase anywhere from 35-60%.

There are so many advantages to owning your own business outside of the increased income. Once you’re a business owner you are able to control your time, sell more products, customize promotions that fit your clients, take advantage of tax write-offs, expand and so much more.