Upscale Salon Suites Job or Business?

Upscale Salon Suites Job or Business?

Many people want to know if they decide to move into an upscale salon suite is it a job or do they really have their own business? As usual, I like to give you the truth so that you know exactly what you’re getting into as a salon professional.

As you know Indivi is a salon studio suite located in the Atlanta metro area (Fayetteville, GA) and we are partners with independent salon professionals who are interested in owning and managing their own business, setting their own hours and accomplishing their personal and financial goals. This does not mean that everyone who decides to be in a salon suite act or manage their salon as a true business owner. Many run their salon as an employee, which would mean they treat it like a job. As a salon professional your mentality determines how you treat this unique opportunity.

Technically, when you decide to move into a salon suite you should be in the mindset of a business owner. Meaning, you have taken some time to plan and prepare for this move. To give you an example of what a salon suite business owner would do before moving is listed below:

  1. Create a business plan
  2. Research the area
  3. Analyze their current clientele and demographics
  4. Prepare a Marketing Strategy
  5. Open a business account
  6. Prepare a Contingency Plan
  7. Assess their Working Capital
  8. Set 3 month, 1 year, 5 year Goals, etc.
  9. Review cost of products
  10. Determine Retail Selection and Strategy